Sunday, February 6, 2011

Making Money Guide

Yes, the GOP’s new chairman needs to raise money. But his biggest challenge will be rebuilding the ground game, which cost Republicans precious seats last fall.

All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots. While Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus led every round, he won the final one with 97 votes, just 12 more than he needed.

The candidates largely agreed on the problems of the Steele era and many of the answers, but doubts lingered about every contender. Priebus’ advantage came from early endorsements by some of the committee’s respected figures, including Henry Barbour and Alec Poitevint, the national committeemen from Mississippi and Georgia, respectively. Enough committee members concluded if Reince was good enough for Henry and Alec, he was good enough for them.

Now comes the much harder part. The RNC is not just broke: it’s deeply in debt and reportedly without enough money to make payroll when the balloting began last Friday. The RNC has seen a nearly $50 million swing from almost $25 million in the bank when Steele became chairman to more than $21 million in the red when he left. The GOP HQ is likely to see checks roll in this week from donors grateful Steele is out, but it’s hard to raise money to pay off debt.

Priebus has told GOP insiders he understands the RNC’s grave financial position and will work the problem from both ends. He’s already fired Steele’s picks to run the 2012 Tampa Republican Convention. They were hired and dispatched to Florida last summer, more than a year before is customary, and immediately began running up big housing bills and other expenses. Priebus has also begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising pooh-bahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Priebus has begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising poobahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Reince Priebus conducts committee business after being elected chairman of the National Republican Committiee during the RNC Winter Meeting on Jan. 14, 2011. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images)

Despite Chairman Steele’s gaffes and financial shenanigans (like the big bar tab at a lesbian bar in L.A.), the RNC has seen healthy increases in direct mail and Internet giving. But this wasn’t matched by a growing total of larger gifts of up to $30,400, the limit for what the Republican and Democratic National Committees can accept. Steele didn’t do what a national chairman is supposed to do: spend lots of time on the phone begging.

Successful party chairmen spend half of their life on the phone or visiting major donors, making the case for checks from them and others in their rolodexes. This wasn’t Steele’s style. It will have to be Priebus’ style—and the major proven fundraiser he recruits as RNC finance chairman. There’s nowhere to go but up. Steele once tried to recruit a candidate for the finance job by promising to give a speech wherever the prospect wanted him to go. The guy turned Steele down, believing that if the chairman thought his making speeches was what made the cash register ring, Steele didn’t understand fundraising.

Then there’s the RNC’s political role. The good news for the quiet, almost shy but personable new chairman is he doesn’t have to do a lot of television. There is a phalanx of presidential candidates and congressional leaders to take on that task. He must focus on rebuilding the party’s once-vaunted ground-game operations handling voter identification, registration, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV).

The “72-Hour” or “Victory” program depends on volunteers drawn from local and state party committees and candidate campaigns. But only the RNC can provide the direction, training, technology, and metrics to guide these massive efforts. And the RNC’s cash flow is necessary to top off state party budgets in battleground states. Coming from Wisconsin, a place with a strong tradition of grassroots GOTV activity, Priebus knows all this is essential.

The GOP lost dozens of close contests in 2010 because the RNC provided only a fraction of the funding for “Victory” efforts that it has in years past. From more than half a dozen congressional races to gubernatorial contests in Vermont and Connecticut to Senate races in Nevada and Colorado, the RNC was virtually AWOL on get-out-the-vote efforts.

Restoring the RNC’s effectiveness requires time, discipline, leadership, and money. The new Republican national chairman has time and appears to have the needed discipline. Whether he gets the job done will depend on his leadership and fundraising.

Those on the RNC who know the new chairman think Reince is up for the big job. Lots of 2012 Republican hopefuls up and down the ballot hope that’s true. Count me as one. I made my contribution today online. Talk about change bringing hope.

Karl Rove served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush until 2007.

Like The Daily Beast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates all day long.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Yes, the GOP’s new chairman needs to raise money. But his biggest challenge will be rebuilding the ground game, which cost Republicans precious seats last fall.

All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots. While Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus led every round, he won the final one with 97 votes, just 12 more than he needed.

The candidates largely agreed on the problems of the Steele era and many of the answers, but doubts lingered about every contender. Priebus’ advantage came from early endorsements by some of the committee’s respected figures, including Henry Barbour and Alec Poitevint, the national committeemen from Mississippi and Georgia, respectively. Enough committee members concluded if Reince was good enough for Henry and Alec, he was good enough for them.

Now comes the much harder part. The RNC is not just broke: it’s deeply in debt and reportedly without enough money to make payroll when the balloting began last Friday. The RNC has seen a nearly $50 million swing from almost $25 million in the bank when Steele became chairman to more than $21 million in the red when he left. The GOP HQ is likely to see checks roll in this week from donors grateful Steele is out, but it’s hard to raise money to pay off debt.

Priebus has told GOP insiders he understands the RNC’s grave financial position and will work the problem from both ends. He’s already fired Steele’s picks to run the 2012 Tampa Republican Convention. They were hired and dispatched to Florida last summer, more than a year before is customary, and immediately began running up big housing bills and other expenses. Priebus has also begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising pooh-bahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Priebus has begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising poobahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Reince Priebus conducts committee business after being elected chairman of the National Republican Committiee during the RNC Winter Meeting on Jan. 14, 2011. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images)

Despite Chairman Steele’s gaffes and financial shenanigans (like the big bar tab at a lesbian bar in L.A.), the RNC has seen healthy increases in direct mail and Internet giving. But this wasn’t matched by a growing total of larger gifts of up to $30,400, the limit for what the Republican and Democratic National Committees can accept. Steele didn’t do what a national chairman is supposed to do: spend lots of time on the phone begging.

Successful party chairmen spend half of their life on the phone or visiting major donors, making the case for checks from them and others in their rolodexes. This wasn’t Steele’s style. It will have to be Priebus’ style—and the major proven fundraiser he recruits as RNC finance chairman. There’s nowhere to go but up. Steele once tried to recruit a candidate for the finance job by promising to give a speech wherever the prospect wanted him to go. The guy turned Steele down, believing that if the chairman thought his making speeches was what made the cash register ring, Steele didn’t understand fundraising.

Then there’s the RNC’s political role. The good news for the quiet, almost shy but personable new chairman is he doesn’t have to do a lot of television. There is a phalanx of presidential candidates and congressional leaders to take on that task. He must focus on rebuilding the party’s once-vaunted ground-game operations handling voter identification, registration, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV).

The “72-Hour” or “Victory” program depends on volunteers drawn from local and state party committees and candidate campaigns. But only the RNC can provide the direction, training, technology, and metrics to guide these massive efforts. And the RNC’s cash flow is necessary to top off state party budgets in battleground states. Coming from Wisconsin, a place with a strong tradition of grassroots GOTV activity, Priebus knows all this is essential.

The GOP lost dozens of close contests in 2010 because the RNC provided only a fraction of the funding for “Victory” efforts that it has in years past. From more than half a dozen congressional races to gubernatorial contests in Vermont and Connecticut to Senate races in Nevada and Colorado, the RNC was virtually AWOL on get-out-the-vote efforts.

Restoring the RNC’s effectiveness requires time, discipline, leadership, and money. The new Republican national chairman has time and appears to have the needed discipline. Whether he gets the job done will depend on his leadership and fundraising.

Those on the RNC who know the new chairman think Reince is up for the big job. Lots of 2012 Republican hopefuls up and down the ballot hope that’s true. Count me as one. I made my contribution today online. Talk about change bringing hope.

Karl Rove served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush until 2007.

Like The Daily Beast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates all day long.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Yes, the GOP’s new chairman needs to raise money. But his biggest challenge will be rebuilding the ground game, which cost Republicans precious seats last fall.

All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots. While Wisconsin Chairman Reince Priebus led every round, he won the final one with 97 votes, just 12 more than he needed.

The candidates largely agreed on the problems of the Steele era and many of the answers, but doubts lingered about every contender. Priebus’ advantage came from early endorsements by some of the committee’s respected figures, including Henry Barbour and Alec Poitevint, the national committeemen from Mississippi and Georgia, respectively. Enough committee members concluded if Reince was good enough for Henry and Alec, he was good enough for them.

Now comes the much harder part. The RNC is not just broke: it’s deeply in debt and reportedly without enough money to make payroll when the balloting began last Friday. The RNC has seen a nearly $50 million swing from almost $25 million in the bank when Steele became chairman to more than $21 million in the red when he left. The GOP HQ is likely to see checks roll in this week from donors grateful Steele is out, but it’s hard to raise money to pay off debt.

Priebus has told GOP insiders he understands the RNC’s grave financial position and will work the problem from both ends. He’s already fired Steele’s picks to run the 2012 Tampa Republican Convention. They were hired and dispatched to Florida last summer, more than a year before is customary, and immediately began running up big housing bills and other expenses. Priebus has also begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising pooh-bahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Priebus has begun an extensive outreach to the GOP’s fundraising poobahs to explain there’s a new fiscal regime in place. No more bloated entourages, sweetheart deals, and lack of financial oversight.

Reince Priebus conducts committee business after being elected chairman of the National Republican Committiee during the RNC Winter Meeting on Jan. 14, 2011. (Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images)

Despite Chairman Steele’s gaffes and financial shenanigans (like the big bar tab at a lesbian bar in L.A.), the RNC has seen healthy increases in direct mail and Internet giving. But this wasn’t matched by a growing total of larger gifts of up to $30,400, the limit for what the Republican and Democratic National Committees can accept. Steele didn’t do what a national chairman is supposed to do: spend lots of time on the phone begging.

Successful party chairmen spend half of their life on the phone or visiting major donors, making the case for checks from them and others in their rolodexes. This wasn’t Steele’s style. It will have to be Priebus’ style—and the major proven fundraiser he recruits as RNC finance chairman. There’s nowhere to go but up. Steele once tried to recruit a candidate for the finance job by promising to give a speech wherever the prospect wanted him to go. The guy turned Steele down, believing that if the chairman thought his making speeches was what made the cash register ring, Steele didn’t understand fundraising.

Then there’s the RNC’s political role. The good news for the quiet, almost shy but personable new chairman is he doesn’t have to do a lot of television. There is a phalanx of presidential candidates and congressional leaders to take on that task. He must focus on rebuilding the party’s once-vaunted ground-game operations handling voter identification, registration, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV).

The “72-Hour” or “Victory” program depends on volunteers drawn from local and state party committees and candidate campaigns. But only the RNC can provide the direction, training, technology, and metrics to guide these massive efforts. And the RNC’s cash flow is necessary to top off state party budgets in battleground states. Coming from Wisconsin, a place with a strong tradition of grassroots GOTV activity, Priebus knows all this is essential.

The GOP lost dozens of close contests in 2010 because the RNC provided only a fraction of the funding for “Victory” efforts that it has in years past. From more than half a dozen congressional races to gubernatorial contests in Vermont and Connecticut to Senate races in Nevada and Colorado, the RNC was virtually AWOL on get-out-the-vote efforts.

Restoring the RNC’s effectiveness requires time, discipline, leadership, and money. The new Republican national chairman has time and appears to have the needed discipline. Whether he gets the job done will depend on his leadership and fundraising.

Those on the RNC who know the new chairman think Reince is up for the big job. Lots of 2012 Republican hopefuls up and down the ballot hope that’s true. Count me as one. I made my contribution today online. Talk about change bringing hope.

Karl Rove served as senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to former President George W. Bush until 2007.

Like The Daily Beast on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for updates all day long.

For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at

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Early 1800's Liverpool Fusee Pocket Watch SIGNED NR yqz Sold on eBay by Million Dollar Power Seller Norb Novocin User Name estateauctionsinc by gettingsoldonebay

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Early 1800's Liverpool Fusee Pocket Watch SIGNED NR yqz Sold on eBay by Million Dollar Power Seller Norb Novocin User Name estateauctionsinc by gettingsoldonebay

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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bench craft company reviews

Early 1800's Liverpool Fusee Pocket Watch SIGNED NR yqz Sold on eBay by Million Dollar Power Seller Norb Novocin User Name estateauctionsinc by gettingsoldonebay

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benchcraft company portland or

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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Thousands of writers have tried it, making money on Associated Content and Helium that is. With both websites there is the potential for making a good amount of money if you put forth the effort. On the flip side of things, this strategy of making money isn't for everyone, only one type of person can be successful at this, good writers.

Sadly, many have not discovered the secrets of one, or both of these amazing websites. Contrary to popular believe, Associated Content and Helium are completely different in various aspects. For example, Helium only pays it's members once they've reached $25 bucks, and even then you can only retrieve money from your account at the start of the month.

Upfront Payments-

One of the biggest upsides to Associated Content is the fact that you can submit articles for upfront payment review. If approved these articles will usually fetch you around $3.00 to $20.00 dollars depending on quality of the work and what the topic is. In the event that your article is indeed rejected for an upfront payment, then you're able to edit it if you wish. If your article is accepted, you can have the cash sent to you within days.

Recently, Helium also added a upfront payment feature to their website. Which works almost like their Summer Reward-A-Thon promotion worked, payments are calculated by the number of articles the person wrote times the number of Writing Stars the person has. For example a person with 5 Writing Stars on their profile means they maintain a high quality in present articles, but earn about $2.50 per article at the end of the month.

Furthermore, a person with 1 star would make about 50 cents per article. It's very easy to earn Writing Stars, however it takes a set number of articles to gain Writing Stars while maintaining the quality. In retrospect, a person with 10 articles couldn't have 5 Writing Stars, only writers with 500 or more articles can have 5 Writing Stars.

Revenue Share/Performance Payments-

Both Helium and Associated Content offer the potential to earn money from page views to articles. On Associated Content, 1000 page views equals about a $1.50 in earnings. Writers with a higher clout level can earn up to 2.00 for each 1000 page views. Word has it that many writers on Associated Content make over a few hundred a month.

On the flip side of things Helium also has a similar program. Writers are able to earn money from page views, but the system doesn't work the same as Associated Content. The very design of Helium is all about competition, and writing better articles then others. With each article, someone can come along and write something better, and the earnings for that particular "title" are split between you and that person.

Also, on Helium you are unable to see how many page views you've received. You can only see how much money you've received due to those page views. Only certain subjects seem to earn great amounts of money from page views, which is subject of how popular the subject is, and the advertisers.

MarketPlace/Calls for Content-

On Associated Content, they have a program called "Calls for Content" which names subjects for a person to write on, guidelines for that subject, and what the site will pay for that article. Helium also has a similar program, publishers request for Helium writers to create articles on certain subjects, and typically pay much more then Associated Content Calls for Content if your article is picked.


If you want to make some decent money, write for both Helium and Associated Content. Helium has some pretty nice contests where you compete with other writers, who wins the contests is based on what the entire community says. Everyone at Helium can rate articles, and a person can't rate their own articles so things are pretty fair.

Writers will want to know both websites very well to figure out what subjects work well for them, and how that understanding of the subject can make them money. At the end of the day, both websites have their ups and down's, and may have a person pulling their hair out, but hang in there.

big seminar 14

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

big seminar 14

Mall Cop Hoax! ABC <b>News</b> Sends Actor Posing as Security Guard to <b>...</b>

Furthermore, in the wake of the hysterics from left-wing media watchdog groups over the ACORN and Planned Parenthood undercover stings, it's pretty incredible to see ABC News employ the same tactics without any criticism. ...

<b>News</b> In Brief: Earth/Environment - Science <b>News</b>

Licorice may be a natural alternative to antibiotics on hog farms, plus more in this week's news.

Verizon asks employees to delay iPhone purchases | Apple - CNET <b>News</b>

Wireless carrier cites 'unprecedented' demand for the device in asking employees to postpone purchase plans, according to a memo obtained by AppleInsider. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Apple.

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